Monday, March 29, 2010

So long to all things ephemeral...

Welcome to the information age. We find ourselves at a unique time in history. We are at a great crossroads. We are the generation that decides how we will put this boom in technology to use. It is easy to look back on others mistakes and point the finger. We can pass off global warming and pollution problems on them. But what will generations to come blame on us?

Nick Bostrom takes a more positive approach on this issue. He singles out humanity's three biggest problems as: death, existential risk, and that life isn't always as wonderful as it could be. He calls for us to change human nature in order to improve our lives and solve these problems. With these technological improvements, we could live forever. But is that such a good thing? Love could never fade and we would never forget. Nick forces us to examine what it really means to be human. He encourages us to develop and explore the realms of possibilities with careful consideration. Bruce Schneier assumes a more pessimistic role about the dawn of the information age. He sees it more as something uncontrollable and says "We're not going to stop the march of technology, just as we cannot uninvent the automobile". He believes that society only works because of its ephemeral nature. But what happens when nothing is temporary or fleeting?

There is no doubt that we are living in a time of change. It just depends how we channel the resources available to us. We are writing history right now. Let's make it a great story.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Eliminating the Stigma (Part II)

Our video submitted to Project: Report unfortunately didn't make it to the semi-final round, but that was not the end of the road for us. It was merely the start of our revision process. I thought it was important to have a title slide, which was added. Melissa's story was so compelling and I felt as if 3 minutes didn't quite do it justice. So we added in more footage of her speaking about her OCD and experiences with the disorder. I was really struck by how she speaks of the OCD as something separate from herself. I feel like it added another level to her and shows how much she does struggle. Her overwhelming positivity was something I really noticed so we also highlighted that. Now in the video she speaks of her coping mechanisms. More stills and a song were added to break up the "talking head" aspect of our previous video. I hope you all enjoy the new video.

If you are interested in the cause of mental illness, look to some organizations that Melissa is affiliated with. At Minding Your Mind, I met some amazing people that really made this experience a joy.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Final Cut Software is Oscar Worthy

Final Cut Pro is now replacing million dollar editing systems as the top software for documentaries. Nine out of ten nominees in the top documentary category used Final Cut Pro. Matthew O'Neil, director of "China's Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province" uses the program. He spoke very highly of it saying,
"You can do it all with Final Cut Studio and we can make it look close to finished all in-house".
I found it very interesting that leading editors and filmmakers use the same kind of software as I do. It really furthers the point that anyone can report their news and that we no longer rely on the professionals to do so. Anyone can be a movie maker and have their visions become reality. The world of communications is really becoming more open and accessible to the common man.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Wade Davis sheds light into the world's indigenous cultures which are steadily declining. He took up the cause to change this decline. He is a very effective speaker and advocate. He takes exceptional photographs and captivating stories. I think it is very important to maintain the origins of specific cultures. In losing our history, we lose a piece of the story and a piece of who we are. I really admire Wade Davis for his work. I appreciate the diversity in America and that is one of the things I love about it here. There is so much to learn from other people and that is a great thing.


I will be in Vegas for Spring Break. We are staying at The Venetian which will be amazing. I'm sure I will have a lot of picture and stories to come when I get back :)

Eliminating the Stigma

Our group was so lucky to get in touch with Melissa Ann HOPEly. She is a girl who is my age and is making a huge difference in her community and looking forward to make this impact on a larger level. She was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She had her struggles, but grew to be a stronger person. She has used her experience to change the lives of others. She tells her story to teens and speaks about her own experience with suicidal tendencies. Her story really moved me. I hope by doing our documentary on her will help expand her efforts to eliminate the stigma of mental illness and decrease the suicide rate.

Here is the 3 minute video for Project: Report. The extended version is to come...