Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My experiment with Second Life

So I experimented with the virtual world of Second Life to see what it was all about. It was really interesting and I found out it actually can supplement and enrich your real life. It is not a substitute to living your life, but is very interesting. I really learned a lot. Here is the presentation that I put together.

I also made a Wordle Map about actions on SL.
title="Wordle: second life2"> src="http://www.wordle.net/thumb/wrdl/1347595/second_life2"
alt="Wordle: second life2"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

St Louis

This weekend my cross country team and I went to St Louis for the Atlantic 10 Championships. It was a very interesting city and had a lot of culture and a distinct feel to it. We got to visit the Gateway Arch which was so cool. The sightseeing was great and I found the architecture to be fascinating. Here are some pictures that I took...

Social Objects

I watched a really interesting video by Jyri Engestrom on social objects. It discussed the various social networking sites and what social object they were based upon. It is essential to the success of the site for vistitors to relate to and understand the social object. Due to the social networking revolution, we are always connected. I know personally I feel alone if I forget my cell phone. We use mobile social networking which allows us to be always connected. We can't escape this connection and it seems as if we always know what others are doing and vice versa. Sites like twitter and facebook allow us to find out very personal information about others. I am very interested in how much people are willing to share about themselves on these sites.

Here is a link to Jyri Engstrom's blog about social networking and other interesting topics. http://zengestrom.com/